Friday, March 22, 2013


Now that the paci has been gone for just 5 days, we may have been lacking in sleep for the week, but the sounds/babbling/words are definitely increasing. We've added tractor, whoa, chu chu, for sure, and a lot of new sounds/imitations. I'm hearing a lot more of the previous established words/phrases (whats that and who's that) as well. This has definitely been an added bonus of hiding the paci.

When Trevor was evaluated almost 6 months ago, the speech therapist recommended adding more signs. Trevor loves his signs, but unfortunately, I'm not the best teacher and he's found shortcuts for getting all that he wants with the signs he does know. Some of the signs he uses commonly are milk, please, more, thank you, baby, and hurts. But today, I decided to work on the sign for "love" and he's got it. So although he hasn't told me out loud that he loves me, he's signed it to me and I sure Love that! Baby steps!

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